Jordan Kharofa Profile picture
Assoc Prof @UCincyMedicine and PD @ #UCradonc, GI cancer focus, clinical trials and #microbiome enthusiast

Aug 29, 2020, 7 tweets

Sad to hear the passing of #ChadwickBoseman . Another reminder of the INCREASING problem of young patients with colorectal cancer. Debate regarding screening age in asymptotic patients young patients WITH symptoms Colorectal ca should be in differential [thread]

Data by birth cohort

Incidence trends for rectal cancer by age

Most cancers in young patients are not explained by any KNOWN mutations. Also increasing incidence so what is the reason ?

Increasing incidence rates vary by region. Why? Many questions remain about this problem

Gut microbiome may be at mediated or antibiotic effects? Large scale Longitudinal studies evaluating the effect of microbiome in young patients and colorectal cancer carcinogensis are needed. A challenge to do but may be revealing.

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