Have I Got News For You Profile picture
This account is run by Hat Trick, who make HIGNFY. The BBC have asked us to point out it's nothing to do with them; the twitter feed that is, not the TV show.

Aug 30, 2020, 22 tweets

Have I Got News For You celebrates its 30th anniversary on Sept 28th, so over the next 30 days we’re going to be delving into the archives. First up from 1990, Sandi Toksvig and Kate Saunders join a fresh-faced Ian and Paul for the first ever episode.

1991 - The Maxwell family has a rare brush with controversy, and Edwina Currie puts her foot in it.

The show suffered a setback on June 4th 1993 when Roy Hattersley cancelled at the last minute. Luckily, a replacement guest was found, boasting ‘many of the same qualities’ as the former Labour deputy leader.

A rather rude Missing Words round from an early show with Tony Slattery (he was on a lot) and soon-to-be-novelist, Robert Harris - nicely cleaned up by Angus.

Good example, in terms of writing and delivery, of the standard HIGNFY-style joke. From 1996 when John Birt was Director General:

In 1996 Paul took a series off, but before he went, he spent a show sitting on Ian’s team to see what the studio looked like from that side.

In Paul's absence, different captains came in with guests. On this occasion Clive Anderson and Piers Morgan...

When Men Behaving Badly's Martin Clunes and Neil Morrissey joined Ian and Paul in 1997, a much-needed break in filming allowed time for refreshments.

Two guests for the price of one, just after the '97 general election.

In 2000, the MI5 whistle-blower, David Shayler, appeared via satellite link from his Parisian hideaway, in a chilling precursor to lockdown TV...

Paul drifts off during the Odd One Out round...

A week before the 1997 General Election this subliminal message was broadcast, unnoticed by the BBC:

...followed a week later by this:

The next 13 years were safe in the hands of New Labour.
Things can only get better...

Boris Johnson’s first appearance in 1998 when he was a journalist. After this appearance he wrote articles for several newspapers claiming the show was a well-rehearsed fake.

In 2002 Angus found himself in the news, in a show now famous for being Ken Livingstone’s 7th appearance.

The guest host slot allowed HIGNFY to carry out its master plan of boosting the careers of Tory MPs.

Rotating hosts allowed several new entertainment formats to be tried out, but they usually failed to take off.


In 2004, Robin Cook became the first former Foreign Secretary to host the show.

Next, a beaten Leader of the Opposition. It’s hard to imagine Jeremy Corbyn doing this.

It was a delight to have Ronnie Corbett as guest host. He could certainly deliver a joke...

Noddy Holder solves the financial crisis of 2008.

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