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Aug 31, 2020, 21 tweets

Meet Caitlin O’Dea (@CaitElizabeth5), press secretary for hypocritical #StickToSports WNBA owner and Trump rubber stamp Senator Kelly Loeffler (@KLoeffler).

Caitlin’s old tweets reveal racist, homophobic, and Islamophobic attitudes.

Kelly Loeffler’s press secretary, Caitlin O’Dea, calls her jokes about the genocide of Native Americans “appropriate.”

Kelly Loeffler’s press secretary Caitlin O’Dea has now locked her Twitter account, hiding her old tweets which reveal racist, homophobic, and Islamophobic attitudes.

Kelly Loeffler’s press secretary, Caitlin O’Dea, is apparently uncomfortable around gay and lesbian folks.

Kelly Loeffler’s press secretary, Caitlin O’Dea, thinks some folks are “too gay to function” and listening to certain kinds of music is “gay.”

In same day tweets (pre Twitter’s thread feature) Kelly Loeffler’s press secretary, Caitlin O’Dea, said she “had a lot of respect” for Anderson Cooper after having tweeted, “even though he now takes it in the behind! Date Rape!”

Kelly Loeffler’s press secretary, Caitlin O’Dea tweeted that gay rights advocates need to “chill out, be fair” and not “force your beliefs on other people.”

Kelly Loeffler’s press secretary, Caitlin O’Dea, shared an Islamaphobic attack tweet suggesting Muslims aren’t part of America.

Kelly Loeffler’s press secretary, Caitlin O’Dea, once tweeted clubbing baby seals on a TV cooking show would be funny.

No wonder Kelly Loeffler hired Caitlin O’Dea. Caitlin doesn’t think her “ignorant” political opponents should be allowed to vote.

This may not go over very with some of Georgia’s conservative voters: Caitlin O’Dea, Kelly Loeffler’s press secretary, once called July 4th a “redneck holiday event” and once tweeted, “I’ll never go back to Georgia, not at least ‘til I have to.”

Caitlin O’Dea probably hopes her mom doesn’t see this.

Caitlin O’Dea just doesn’t seem like a very nice person...

Caitlin currently runs interference for Kelly Loeffler, protecting her from questions about the WNBA and Black Lives Matter. Here is Caitlin shutting down a reporter’s follow up question on the issue.

Caitlin O’Dea, Kelly Loeffler’s press secretary, liked an attack on WNBA ratings aimed at players for using their platform, despite Kelly Loeffler being a WNBA owner and using WNBA imagery in campaign ads.

Caitlin O’Dea likes white supremacist friendly Jack Posobiec’s tweet showing armed MAGAs headed to Portland.

“I hate inarticulate or uneducated people.” - Caitlin O’Dea, Press Secretary for Kelly Loeffler

Caitlin O’Dea said her mom thinks she’s a “hoot rat” even though she is “the whitest kid ever.”

Not only has Kelly Loeffler’s press secretary locked her Twitter account, she has now deleted her tweets.

Reposted this thread after Caitlin O’Dea unlocked her account after deleting tweets. Her boss @KLoeffler is in a runoff for US Senate.

Within minutes, Kelly Loeffler’s press secretary blocked Resist Programming.

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