Robert Fruchtman Profile picture
I read housing bills.

Aug 31, 2020, 9 tweets

You haven't asked for it (and we'd probably be better off without it), but Quentin Kopp has published his November 2020 ballot measure guide for San Francisco.

A (health, homeless, parks, streets bond): No
B (split Department of Public Works into two depts, add commissions): No

C (allow non-citizens to serve on commissions): No
D (oversight on Sheriff's Department): No
E (minimum police staffing): No ("It's stupid at a time of declining active cops who are regularly condemned for protecting us by enforcing laws")
F (business tax overhaul): Yes

G (16-year-olds can vote): No ("another Board of Supervisors 'special'")
H: Yes
I (transfer tax): No ("demand the transfer tax be abolished")
J (fix for 2018 Prop G parcel tax): No, not fair because it taxes all properties the same

K (social housing): No. "Its supervisorial sponsor may be the most biased anti-voter approval Supervisor."

"Anti-voter approval"? What does that even mean

L (business tax based on CEO pay ratio): No, because it's bad to tax SEC-regulated businesses
RR: Yes

District 7 endorsements inspired by Walt Whitman [????????]: Dr. Emily Murase, Joel Engardio, Stephen Martin-Pinto

Kopp will cover the state propositions next month, but he has opinions on affirmative action and cash bail: no on Prop 16, no on Prop 25. Yikes.

If you want to read the whole thing for some reason, here's Kopp's online column…

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