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Kenya Association of Manufacturers is the representative organization for manufacturing value-add industries in Kenya

Sep 1, 2020, 6 tweets

This morning, KAM and @UNIDO_Kenya have launched Kenya’s Competitive Industrial Performance (CIP) Index


Speaking at the Virtual Launch, KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis noted that #BuildingCompetitiveness of the manufacturing sector, remains a core business of the Association.

Also at the launch KAM Chair @MucaiKunyiha ,'Kenya has come a long way in terms of creating a conducive business environment that will nurture local industries and attract Foreign Direct Investment'


Ease of Doing Business is a ‘necessary but not sufficient’ condition to improve growth. We must also look at our ability to produce goods for which there is a market at a price & quality that their market is willing to pay for- KAM Chair @MucaiKunyiha


KAM Chair @MucaiKunyiha - Today’s conversation centres on how we can enhance our ability to produce and export manufactured goods competitively.


UNIDO’s Competitive Industrial Performance (CIP) Index provides a yardstick against which Kenya can compare its manufacturing competitiveness against comparator and aspirator countries - KAM Chair @MucaiKunyiha


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