UK in a Changing Europe Profile picture
UK in a Changing Europe is an academic think tank providing impartial, research-based analysis of the critical issues facing the UK.

Sep 1, 2020, 9 tweets

Today we've relaunched our website.

Want to know what's on it? Then this thread is just for you.


Our commentary section brings you the very latest analysis on our relationship with Europe.

Struggling to understand key issues, concepts or institutions associated with Brexit and the negotiations?

Well our explainers section is for you.

To understand a new acronym or get clarity on the key terms regarding Brexit, head over to our Facts section.

Short, sharp, to the point. 👇

Our long reads are long (surprising-hey) think pieces produced by the best academics about key issues impacted by our changing relationship with the EU. 📚

Our reports page does what it says on the tin.

Our research on topics such as manufacturing, services, and fisheries. 📓…

As always we’ve got a whole host of exciting events coming up, so check back on our events page to stay in the loop. 📅

We’re also relaunching our podcast as #BrexitandBeyond.

We’ll be sharing a new episode with you this Friday. Stay tuned... 🎧

In the meantime, to find out more about our rebrand, read our NEW blog by director @anandMenon1.…

@KingsCollegeLon | @kingseuropean | @KingsSSPP

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