Treasury Committee Profile picture
The Treasury Select Committee is a cross-party group of MPs appointed by @HouseOfCommons to scrutinise @hmtreasury. RTs ≠ endorsements.

Sep 2, 2020, 9 tweets

⏰One hour to go until our evidence session with Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England, alongside members of the Financial Policy Committee and Monetary Policy Committee.

📺Watch it live at 14:30 here👇

📺Here's the link to watch our evidence session with the Governor of the Bank of England live at 14:30 today:…

We're underway with Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England, with members of the Financial Policy Committee and Monetary Policy Committee.

📺Watch it live here👇…

Asked by @FelicityBuchan about consumption and household saving, Governor Andrew Bailey said that household spending is back to near pre-pandemic levels, "but it's a pretty uneven picture".

Alex Brazier tells the Committee:

"I don't think we can expect to see a sudden and sharp return of lots of people to very dense office environments that we were used to. We should expect a more phased return".

As there is a vote in the @HouseofCommons, the evidence session has been suspended and will resume in approximately 15 minutes.

In response to @rushanaraali, Dave Ramsden runs us through the levels of quantitative easing per week over the last few months:

March - £13.5bn
June - £7bn
August - £4.5bn

He added that the @bankofengland can do materially more, and at pace, if market dysfunction requires it.

In response to @SteveBakerHW, Governor of the Bank of England Andrew Bailey said that the challenge is to get inflation up to target.

That's all for today. Thanks to all of our witnesses for taking part!

📺You can watch the session on demand here👇…

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