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Political reporter @NBCNews. Ex-@businessinsider. email: |

Sep 2, 2020, 5 tweets

New Quinnipiac poll of likely voters:

Does having Trump as president make you feel more or less safe?

More: 35%
Less: 50%

Would you feel more or less safe under Biden?

More: 42%
Less: 40%…

This is fascinating.

Asked to describe the nation's economy, 60% say it's either not so good or poor

But asked about their own financial situation, 72% say it is excellent or good

75% say racism is a big problem in the US

Republicans much less concerned about coronavirus than Democrats and independents, though a majority do know someone who has contracted the virus

Then we've got a basically 1/3 split on this question of whether the pandemic is getting better, worse, or staying the same

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