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A design systems community conference 💎 Founded by @jina

Sep 3, 2020, 13 tweets

THREAD: Here are the official sketchnotes by @alexstran! We’ll add to this thread each day. #clarity2020

Starting with: The Design Systems Spiral by @jina

Next up: The Importance of Perspective by @bencolar #clarity2020

Then we had @allisonacs with Accessibility Beyond Color Contrast #clarity2020

And then to wrap Day 1, Design Systems As a Service: Keeping Your Customers Happy from @skougs #clarity2020

We'll share more here for Day 2 & 3!

And now, Day 2 sketches from @alexstran!

Here is “Systems of Design” by @asiahoe #clarity2020

Then we had “Designing for Happiness” by @SamKap!

Next up was Calculating Color: theming with css variables with @Una #clarity2020

Finally, to round out Day 2, we had @natalyathree & @timshelburne with “Design Systems: or, How I learned to stop fightning & love the team” #clarity2020

Just 4 more sessions left! See you tomorrow!

And now, here are Day 3 sketch notes from @alexstran!

First up we had @farai_uxguy with Designing Teams. Designing Systems. #clarity2020

Then we had @Brii_toe_knee with “Creating Inclusive Content: Why It Matters” #clarity2020

After that, we had @dbanksDesign with ”An Introduction to MultiPlatform Design Systems” #clarity2020

For our final talk, @alisonrand brought it home with ”Mutualism”. #clarity2020

And finally, here is a bonus sketch note from the opening welcome show! #clarity2020

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