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Tagaungkat ng past sa bawat pa-🍵. Tweets are mine, wag assuming. #TheChroniclesOfAssholes

Sep 4, 2020, 12 tweets

We may not know the details surrounding the EJ Laure & Bugoy Cariño's relationship (frankly it's none of our business) but there are certain things we must look into to put things in context. A thread. #BeInformed
1. Age of consent in the PH is 12 yrs. old

@chrgovph urges passage of bills raising age of sexual consent from 12 to 16.

@asianbossmedia went to the streets of Manila to ask people their opinion about the current PH age of consent. Not everyone is aware of it apparently. #RaisePHAgeOfConsent

2. The risks of teenage pregnancy.
According to the 2013 NDH Survey and the 2013 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study (YAFSS), the number of women aged 15-19 who have begun childbearing increased from eight percent in 2003 to 10 percent in 2013.

@IWitnessGMA: Why is teenage pregnancy incident in the PH rising? 1 in every 10 teenage girls or those aged 15 to 19 get pregnant early. @PSAgovph @NEDAhq @bethangsioco @risahontiveros
#SexEdIsTheKey #RHLaw

@gmanews' Reel Time: Hinog sa Pilit
Teenage parents are not prepared yet for the huge responsibility of raising children and starting a family.

@jubileemedia: Do All Teen Dads Think The Same?

@jubileemedia: Do All Teen Moms Think The Same?

@senmiriam may be a polarizing figure in politics but she is one of the champions of #RHLaw. By the way, @noynoyaquino is the president who pushed for its passage in 2012 drawing the ire of the Catholic Church.

The said law underwent legal battle because certain groups questioned its constitutionality but in the end, it passed the legal scrutiny. Certain provisions were struck down though. #RHLawIsConstitutional #Yes2RH #RHMatters

“Abuse is never deserved; it is an exploitation of innocence and physical disadvantage, which is perceived as an opportunity by the abuser.”
― Lorraine Nilon, a follow-up thread #BeInformed

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