Anand Ranganathan Profile picture
Author: The Land of the Wilted Rose (Rupa). Love & Honour; The Rat Eater (Bloomsbury). Soufflé (Penguin). Consulting Editor: Swarajya. RTs, Likes ≠ Endorsements

Sep 4, 2020, 9 tweets

This is VILE. Where are the guardians of Free Speech? Is this not intolerance? Is this not Emergen-

Oh, sorry, hadn't noticed the party and the government the man belongs to. This is fine. Ignore. Carry on. Nothing to see here.

To be sure I had taken threats to her by Maharashtra Home Minister lightly, nothing more than abusive bluster by the slighted.

Not anymore. This is a clear threat not only to her but also to her family. Unbelievably sick; more so the silence of her peers.

I am an actor-activist. For me the real power is the Bollywood coterie. But I speak truth to Modi.

I am a stand-up comic. For me the real power is Shiv Sena. But I speak truth to Modi.

I am a coward. Because even though I know who the real power is I always speak truth to Modi.

First they came for Sushant and I did not speak out – Because I was afraid of the Bollywood Mafia.

Then they came for Kangana and I did not speak out – Because I was afraid of Shiv Sena.

Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak for me.

Bollywood, you stand exposed. And it didn't need no skimpy sari or a waterfall. Your own naked silence has exposed you.

My views on @TimesNow with @navikakumar, on the silence of Bollywood. #IndiaWithKangana

But you can NEVER break her spirit.

Bollywood, you stand EXPOSED. And it didn't need no skimpy sari or a waterfall. Your own naked silence has exposed you.

My views on @TimesNow with @navikakumar, on the silence of Bollywood. #IndiaWithKangana

You stand and survey the scarred battlefield but your sword glistens and is not rusted yet Manikarnika! Fight on.

Kangana is facing the brute force of the State and refusing to buckle. It is a sight to behold.

Fight on, Kangana; the nation stands with you. Remember: the darkest hour is just before dawn

My views on @TimesNow with @navikakumar. #MahaSarkarVsKangana

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