UK in a Changing Europe Profile picture
UK in a Changing Europe is an academic think tank providing impartial, research-based analysis of the critical issues facing the UK.

Sep 4, 2020, 17 tweets

Our rebrand provides the perfect opportunity to re-introduce who we are here at @UKandEU.

Spend your Friday lunch exploring some of our recent work...…


First, we have our director 'rockstar professor' @anandMenon1, Professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs, @KingsCollegeLon. 🎸

From Tik-Tok to Question Time, Anand recounts how he's shared social science research with a range of audiences.🔻…

Next up is deputy director @ProfTimBale, Professor of Politics at @QMPoliticsIR, @QMUL.

Tim recently co-authored a report 'Where next for the Lib Dems?' with @DrAlanWager and @Aron_Cheung.

You can read it here 🔻…

.@jillongovt is our senior research fellow.

Jill recently wrote a commentary for us on ministerial irresponsibility.

Tomorrow, Jill will be on The Week in Westminster on @BBCRadio4 discussing some of the issues raised in her blog.…

Next up are our senior fellows.

@CSBarnard24 is Professor in EU Law and Employment Law at @cambridgelaw, @Cambridge_Uni.

Catherine published a blog earlier today with @fiona_costello on EU settled status and non-eu nationals. 🔻…

.@MeredithCrowle1 is University Reader in International Economics at @Cambridge_Uni.

Meredith's commentary piece earlier this year questioned whether 'level playing field' issues would de-rail the negotiations. 🔻…

.@dgbailey is Professor of Business Economics at @UoB_Business, @unibirmingham.

David co-authored a recent report with @IvanRajicUK on how the manufacturing sector will be impacted by Brexit.

You can read David's blog summarising the report here 🔻…

Sir John Curtice is Professor of Politics at @StrathPolIR, @UniStrathclyde.

John Curtice spoke at our #IsolationInsight exploring public opinion 4 years after the referendum.

You can re-watch one of our most popular #IsolationInsight webinars here 🔻…

.@drsarah_hall is Professor of Economic Geography at @UoNGeography, @UniofNottingham.

Sarah recently produced a report on what Brexit could mean for the services sector.

Here she explains why the outcome of the negotiations is important for services.🔻…

.@hayward_katy is Professor of Political Sociology at @QUBSSESW, @QUBelfast.

Back in July, Katy wrote a piece for us on Northern Ireland and the internal market after Brexit. 🔻…

.@HusseinHKassim is Professor of Politics at @Politics_UEA, @uniofeastanglia.

In August, Hussein wrote a useful explainer on the latest on the UK-EU negotiations.

Read it here 🔻…

.@McEwen_Nicola is Professor of Territorial Politics, at @uoessps, @EdinburghUni.

Nicola joined @hayward_katy, @DanielWinc and @pmdfoster at our #IsolationInsight event on devolution post-Brexit back in July.

Watch it here 🔻…

.@jdportes is Professor of Economics and
Public Policy at @KingsCollegeLon.

Jonathan joined @GoodwinMJ and @anandMenon1 for the first episode of our Brexit and Beyond podcast (out today) about whether social media helps or hinders academics.…

Meg Russell is Professor of British and Comparative Politics at @ucl.

Earlier this year, Meg wrote for us on Parliament, public trust, and Brexit.

Read her commentary piece here 🔻…

.@DanielWinc is director of the @ESRC-funded Governance after Brexit programme at @CardiffLaw, @cardiffuni.

Read all about the programme here:…

And now onto our researchers...

@matt_bevington is our Public Policy and Foreign Affairs Analyst and a PhD candidate at @bbkpolitics, @BirkbeckUoL.

You can read one of Matt's recent blogs about the role of fishing in the negotiations here 🔻…

Last, but by no means least, we have @DrAlanWager who is our Research Associate.

Alan recently wrote a commentary piece on his research into whether MPs expect a break up of the Union.

READ it here 🔻…

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