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Research & Report on right-wing extremism. Citizen journalist, photographer, activist, recovering addict, drug policy & criminal justice reform advocate

Sep 6, 2020, 12 tweets

@c3theguru spittin before we march from Ventura park.

@c3theguru says as ninjas we need to infiltrate and listen to their conversations because they have us outnumbered and outgunned.

Cops saying march to precinct isn't permitted and need to go back in park

Largest march in awhile, cops blocking

Molotov thrown and caught someone's feet on fire. The cops shot into the crowd trying to put him out

Its like a war zone, tear gas shot into crowd, mortars thrown at cops. Tear gas engulfs prius and mortar set off alarm

This man in the grey shirt was arrested later and was saying he came out to support the cops and he was shot. They lady started showing cops pic of her injuries from police and was also arrested later when they rushed

This charge they shove press to the ground and make several arrests

Resident in her house is yelling out her window "please don't use tear gas, I know you can, but you don't have to. My kids are asleep in This house and they don't have masks. This is a neighborhood. We feel safe enough here " she repeated it over and over.

Here is The video of the molotov that caught a guy's feet on fire. Right winger that fed the video to Andy Ngo says it was antifa caught on fire, when really it was press

First push where tear gas and mortars were being shot between cops and protesters, engulfing multiple cars (rotated correctly)
#100DaysofProtest #PortlandRiots

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