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I write and read stuff. Tweeting random trivia no one asked for on #reistrivia | 💌 for work: or DM

Sep 6, 2020, 6 tweets

#Mulan is a Xianbei girl from Northern China & a Northern Chinese folklore. Why would she lived in a tulou like a Hakka (Khek/客家) people in Fujian? 😂

Hakka lived in this walled village because they‘ve been persecuted & have so much conflicts as an immigrant to Southern China.

When Disney decided to make #Mulan as another musical live-action in order to make it look serious, at least make it historically accurate or AT LEAST make it non-fiction.

Don’t add up ridiculous fictional elements like OP witches & inaccurate usage of ‘qi’.

They made #Mulan born with some sort of power like a ‘chosen one’ as if she’s a Jedi or Harry Potter 😂 it would be great if they’d just potray Mulan as a hard-working person who works her own way to become a warrior. Not someone who just born with it.

The physical depiction of Fenghuang/Chinese phoenix is quite accurate though Mulan’s dad said something like “rises from ash” when Chinese phoenix clearly doesn’t 🤧

Fenghuang = phoenix is just a matter of translation. In reality, Fenghuang & European phoenix is a different tale

Yall need to watch and read more about the ✨cultivation✨ not just simply slapping every Chinese concepts you know without proper context @Disney, ga pengen ribet ap gimana sih langsung jadiin karakternya ‘born with the force’ 🤧

And if I may repeat it, yep, #Mulan was actually not a Han person, she is from a confederation of a nomadic tribes called Xianbei.

Some scholars believe they were a Proto-Turks, others argued they were Tungusic ethnic origin.

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