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Still here … don’t know for how long

Sep 6, 2020, 23 tweets

Here’s Chartstravaganza … all types of charts


Please retweet the initial tweet of this thread if you like Chartstravaganza. Feel free to comment or like individual charts. And of course … follow us.

Every Sunday, twenty charts, let’s go!

20. Volatility Stocks vs Bonds


19. Abe’s Japan


18. Carbon Emissions


17. Consumer Debt


16. Personal Savings Rate


15. Covid Testing


14. Industrial Employment


13. Municipal Bonds Drawdown


12. Academic Publications

11. Early Support of BLM Protests


10. Intercountry Adoptions


9. CLOs Market Share


8. Climate Change


7. NASA Manned Space Flights


6. Mexican-Origin Population


5. American GDP by State


4. The Joe Rogan Experience

(Ryan Soares)

3. Car Insurance


2. Video Games


1. Religion and Politics


That was another edition of Chartstravaganza.

Please recommend us to your friends: charts about the big, the small, and the amusing.

A good complement to your Sunday morning coffee … lots of data


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