Sadananda Gowda Profile picture
ಕನ್ನಡಿಗ MP (LS) from Bengaluru North. Former CM, Karnataka. Former Union Minister, India.

Sep 7, 2020, 6 tweets

The 3rd Rashtriya Poshan Maah being today,

The aim behind the celebration of Poshan Maah is to encourage Jan Bhagidaari in order to ensure health and nutrition for everyone.


Government under the leadership of PM @narendramodi is ensuring effective implementation of Poshan Abhiyan.

#POSHANMaah : Intensifying community participation!

Realising the vision of malnutrition-free India!


Empowering healthcare workers, strengthening ICDS with technology!

Poshan Abhiyan transformed into Community Mobilisation, Behavioral Change and Jan Andolan. #PoshanMaah2020 #Local4Poshan

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