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Sep 8, 2020, 10 tweets

Moving into a new apartment is an exciting experience. Yet, the fun part is in the decoration; at least in theory.

While some people have great eye for design, most of us rely on the pros to make our apartments feel like a home.

Decorating your apartment on a budget [A Thread]

Color & accessories

Nothing is as personal as color. The color of one’s home is said to reflect their personality and lifestyle.

Use color wheel to create your own color scheme. Sticking to two primary colors and two home goods are recommended.

Lighting (daylight and artificial)

The right lighting can lift your spirit, enlivens the little things and make you more productive.

Use window treatments that let in a lot of light: sheer fabrics or blinds.

Have at least 5 sources of light placed in different locations.

Mirrors on the wall

They create illusion of more space in the home. When positioned well, can reflect natural and artificial light making the room appear brighter and spacious.

Mirrors should be added on walls perpendicular to the window, not directly across from them.

Work with what you have

Don’t try to force a theme where it isn’t suitable. Particularly if you are a renter and can’t afford to redecorate.
Use the existing layout and the existing materials, if any, to your advantage.

Art matters

A print or painting can transform a living room wall into an artful display in seconds as seen in Cross’s home. Oh, and Laycon photo in #BBNaijaLockdown house.

Invest in functional furniture

Despite the cozy nature of smaller spaces, it’s important to combine function with form to make the best out of that limited space.

Better to invest in larger statement pieces than in series of small furniture pieces.

Put a plant on it

A well placed houseplant, like those spotted in Pamilerin’s home and #BBNaijaLockdown house, can add life to any room.

It’s a low cost way of adding not just style to your apartment but also benefits you healthwise.

Plis dear, consult a florist.

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We work with tech-forward team to bring all your real estate dreams to reality.

Happy to add that we accept cryptocurrency as a viable alternative to cash financing.

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