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Sep 8, 2020, 7 tweets

I strongly condemn such heinous crimes. Miscreants burnt the 60yr old Chariot of Bagawan Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy of the famous Antarvedi temple,Andhra Pradesh. Somehow or the other, several unpleasant things r continuously happening only in the Hindu Temples,

their properties and funds reminding the then Aurangzeb in some States particularly in Andhra Pradesh.

Sins are multifolding & fermenting. I request on behalf of the Devoted community the protectors of our Sanatana Dharma and temples viz., the Head of the Mutts & Peethams to

please raise a red flag against such acts carried out detrimental to the interests of Crores of Hindus hurting the religious sentiments and faith by the continued mischievous actions of some sections of the people only to create unrest in the peace loving Hindu

Society. Only then, nonsense stops and peace prevails since your voice is heard by the Central Government.

Our patience cannot be taken for granted by others, there is a limit for our patience too. We have to unitedly open up our voice, condemn such

violations and demand for upholding the sacred traditions, practices, faith and the values by the Government and to punish the wrong doers for causing harassment to our minds Non-Stop.

" Vināshakāle vipareetha buddhihi "
Om Namo Lakshmi Narasimhaya !

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