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Sep 8, 2020, 15 tweets

Thread on "Investing Resources"

Day 1: Best sources which help us to understand the business models.

Day 2:

Sustainable competitive advantage [Moats]

Image courtesy: Inc website.

Day 3:

For Beginners.

Day 4:

Life stories/ Biographies/ Autobiographies.

• The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life.

• Poor Charlie's Almanack.

• Reminiscences of a Stock Operator.

Day 5:

Small and Microcap Investing.

Day 6:

Websites/ Apps useful for stocks research:

Day 7:

Some of the important articles and letters by Warren Buffett.

Day 8:

Business-related information and updates.

Day 9 :

Some of the good books in the Indian context/ by Indian authors.

Day 10:

Resources will make you a sensible investor.

Sensible Investing |

Day 11:

Mental Models.

Image courtesy: Visual Capitalist.

Day 12:

Financial Analysis and reporting (including forensic accounting)

Day 13:

Behavioural aspects of investing:

Books 📚:

• The Little Book of Behavioral Investing.

• Value Investing And Behavioral Finance.

• The Behavioral Investor.

Day 14:

Value Investing:

And the END 🙏

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