India Wants To Know: India's First Panel Quiz Show Profile picture
Making India smarter, kinder & funnier one fact at a time! 20% bad jokes | 80% fun facts

Sep 8, 2020, 5 tweets

Did you know that Odisha accounts for 90% of India's platinum resources? #BandeUtkalaJanani (Credit: @GeologyIndia and Indian Bureau of Mines)

Did you know that "Queen Pineapple" was declared as the state fruit of Tripura as recently as 2018 by

Did you know that the Solomon Temple in Aizawl, Mizoram is made of white marble? The temple is meant to be a successor to the Solomon's Temple of Jerusalem that finds a mention in the Old Testament. (photo: Johny Ngurthansanga)

Did you know that Manipur is home to Yu, a rice liquor? It is made with fermented rice and the stem of a creeper called yangli. The photo shows a system used to distill this beverage (Photo credit: @epaomanipur)

Did you know that Nagaland is the Falcon capital of the world? According to @TheFalconBirder The Amur Falcon roost in Nagaland is "by far the largest and most spectacular roost of any species of falcon ever seen anywhere in the world". Amazing photo also by @TheFalconBirder

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