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A design systems community conference 💎 Founded by @jina

Sep 8, 2020, 14 tweets

Starting soon in 10mins. Will be sharing a few highlights! #clarity2020

These are some of the things people get stressed/anxious about with design systems #clarity2020

We often talk about the code, design assets, and documentation with design systems, but ✨Operations✨ are also a very important part. #clarity2020

Currently discussing roadmapping and prioritizing in design systems.

You can map your milestones in columns and features (and more) as rows.


Breakout teams currently in roadmapping discussion groups. Look at the cursors go!


Video alt: 4 brower windows open to show the teams cursors moving around as they work on their roadmap worksheets

When documenting workflows, you can start with your essentials, then build up to detailed & proven… and then build up even further to very detailed — which can include training videos! #clarity2020

Attendees voting on which channels to focus on for support #clarity2020

video alt: cursors flying around a screen from attendees voting on channels including: chat, surveys, task management, email, workshops, etc.

Day 2 of @nathanacurtis’s Operating Design Systems intensive workshop is underway. #clarity2020

We’ll share a few more notes!

Discussing how various company phase out their tasks for components. This example is how one company Nathan worked with did it. It can vary depending on your org’s team structure and workflows.


video alt: The 8 teams in the workshop are discussing and composing their process steps and substeps


What contribution is and is NOT 🙌


yasssssss #clarity2020

Attendees now in their teams doing an exercise on designing and growing design systems teams #clarity2020

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