Bill Melugin Profile picture
National correspondent for @foxnews based in L.A. 4x EMMY winner, 3x Edward R. Murrow winner, 4x RTNA Golden Mike winner. @Cronkite_ASU grad & SoCal native.

Sep 9, 2020, 8 tweets

BREAKING: We just arrived in South LA and there’s already action. LASD says crowd of protesters dressed in black was given order to disperse while they were in the street, they refused, and crowd control munitions were used to push them down Normandie. @FOXLA

NEW: LASD has arrested numerous members of the crowd of South LA protesters they describe as more of an aggressive anarchist element than previous nights, and has confiscated their gear, including shields and “press” helmets. Now searching them for weapons. @FOXLA

We’re told this man was one of the most aggressive. @FOXLA

Deputies tell me they have recovered knives, poles, and fireworks from these anarchist protesters. They suspect they are not from south LA and came here just to agitate. I’ll be live at 10 w/ full story on @FOXLA

NEW: More video of some of the gear seized from the alleged anarchists arrested, including fake “press” helmet, shields, etc. @FOXLA

Here is a photo of the arrested man in the prior video blowing kisses when he was geared up in all black before unlawful assembly was declared. Deputies say this man was in full “armor” and was one of the most aggressive of the group. @FOXLA

STORY from tonight:… @FOXLA

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