Sadananda Gowda Profile picture
ಕನ್ನಡಿಗ MP (LS) from Bengaluru North. Former CM, Karnataka. Former Union Minister, India.

Sep 9, 2020, 8 tweets

PM Street Vendor’s Atmanirbhar Nidhi is a special microcredit facility scheme for providing affordable loan to street vendors.
Scheme is aimed at enabling the street vendors to resume their livelihoods that have been adversely affected due to COVID19 lockdown.#AatmaNirbharVendor

Empowering street vendors for self-reliant India!

Salient features of PM SVANidhi


Eligibility criteria under which a street vendor can check if he is eligible for the PM SVANidhi scheme.


Empowering Street Vendors for self-reliant India!

Lending institutions for PM SVANidhi


Benefits that Street vendor will get once enrolled under the PM SVANidhi scheme. #AatmaNirbharVendor

A street vendor can apply for PM SVANidhi through multiple sources like Web Portal, CSCs, Municipality and Mobile App. #AatmaNirbharVendor

Empowering street vendors for self-reliant India!

PM SVANidhi portal - one stop solution


Street Vendors are being encouraged to use Digital Transactions with various benefits. #AatmaNirbharVendor

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