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Sep 9, 2020, 14 tweets

1/#IDTwitter #Tweetorial alert! Inspired by a fantastic @HoustonAETC talk by our very own APD @PrathitKulkarni!

Contributors: @MannyGuajardoMD @MelanieGoebelMD

2/You're seeing a 52YO man with new diagnosis of HIV in clinic, no co-morbidities. Risk factors include multiple unprotected sexual encounters (♂️♀️). Thorough review of systems and exam are unrevealing.

What lab and imaging tests would you order at this visit?

3/Start with some basic labs:

✔️CD4 cell count and %
✔️HIV viral load
✔️CBC w/diff

4/Look for co-infections:

🦠Syphilis (Trep Ab or RPR)
🦠Gonorrhea/chlamydia (urine, rectal, pharyngeal NAAT)
🦠Viral hepatitis (A/B/C)
🦠Toxoplasma IgG
+/- CMV IgG 👇


5/Obtain a baseline HIV genotype:

🔸In USA, 16% of treatment-naïve PLWH may have transmitted resistance!
🔸NNRTI resistance > NRTI & PI
🔸Transmitted INSTI resistance still rare ➡️ routine testing not recommended


6/Screen for risk of severe adverse drug reactions:

💊HLA-B*5701 haplotype ➡️ high risk for abacavir hypersensitivity ➡️ avoid at all cost
💊G6PD deficiency ➡️ avoid dapsone, primaquine, +/- sulfa (some caveats 👇)


7/Back to the case…

>>CD4 returns at 35 cells/µL<<

What OI would you screen for in this asymptomatic patient?

8/Answer: Cryptococcus ➡️ check serum CrAg

Asymptomatic antigenemia is present in 4.3% of PLWH when CD4 <50!

For other OIs, evaluation should be directed by symptoms and clinical assessment.

9/Don't forget about age-appropriate cancer screening.

Since PLWH have ⬆️ risk for HPV-associated cancers ➡️ consider annual cervical/anal pap smears.

For our patient (52YO, MSM), screen for:
🔸 anal cancer
🔸 colorectal cancer
🔸 +/- prostate cancer

10/Evaluate for baseline metabolic disorders:

🔸Fasting lipid levels
🔸DEXA scan (in postmenopausal women and men >50YO)

11/Why DEXA scan?

Low BMD in PLWH is common!

HIV T-cell activation leads to ⬆️proinflammatory cytokines & RANKL expression ⬆️osteoclast activity ⬆️osteoblast apoptosis

HIV Outpatient study showed ⬆️rates of bone fx incidence among PLWH.


12/In general... start ART as soon as possible!

But delay in:
💊 Cryptococcal meningitis
💊 TB meningitis

13/Quick word about vaccines…

💉Consider delaying until CD4>200 for more robust immune response
💉 Live vaccines contraindicated when CD4<200

14/Check out these 🔥sources for more info!

HIV Guidelines:
🔸Prime Care: doi.org/10.1093/cid/ci…
🔸OIs: tinyurl.com/y4xf4oej
🔸Treatment: tinyurl.com/yxttqlx7


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