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Reporter @KVUE Opinions = mine. Retweets =/= endorsements. Former @ktvl, @wboy12News, @MedillSchool. Story idea/feedback? Email me! mmarut@kvue.com

Sep 9, 2020, 8 tweets

After thinking long and hard about crossing Joe Tanner Lane at McCarty Lane (near 290), this driver made the right decision to #TurnAroundDontDrown. This rain has brought a lot of water to these smaller creeks. @KVUE @ErikaLopezKVUE @Hunt_Wx @marielruizwx

Just down the road, @HeikkiMikael captured this guy walking his bike across the flooded roadway. “Did you have to cross for work or something?” “Nah I just wanted to. 🤙” @KVUE The rain has slowed for now but not enough to slow down the waterways.

There’s a reason these signs are an obnoxious yellow, block the road, and flash. #TurnAroundDontDrown

Water levels have definitely dropped (albeit by maybe an inch), but the speed is still dangerous here. @KVUE

In case you’re curious, even Google Maps has the roadway blocked. No crossing Joe Tanner Lane to get from McCarty to 290. @KVUE

Most of the water has cleared off the Joe Tanner Lane bridge, but here’s another warning: debris. Obviously sticks and rocks, but also a mattress floated away down the creek! If you’re walking across a bridge and this mattress hits you, you’re probably heading downstream. @KVUE

Workers from the @austintexasgov Watershed Protection are here to remove the Turn Around Don’t Drown signs and debris. One of the workers told me instead of hurting themselves, they’re pushing the mattress into the water and will walk the Williamson Creek later to pick up debris.

Joe Tanner Lane is officially reopened. @KVUE

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