ian bremmer Profile picture
political scientist, author, teach at columbia sipa, columnist at time, president @eurasiagroup, @gzeromedia. if you lived here, you'd be home now.

Sep 10, 2020, 6 tweets

.@DouthatNYT argues that criticism of President Trump’s pandemic response has been overstated in his latest @nytimes op-ed.

My response in @gzeromedia’s #TheRedPen: gzeromedia.com/the-us-covid-r…

.@EurasiaGroup’s @scottrosenstein and I grabbed #TheRedPen to explain why the US response to coronavirus has, in fact, been a failure.

On comparing the US and EU death tolls:

On comparing covid deaths per capita in the US vs. death rates in similarly positioned and sized countries:

On why the US should be leading the international pandemic response (but isn’t):

On the impact of different leadership styles and ideologies:

On whether presidential greatness is required for saving lives:

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