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Writing about productivity, neuroscience, and psychology. Cofounder and COO building @kortexco.

Sep 12, 2020, 6 tweets

Challenging myself to wake up at 6:00am every day for 30 days

Day 2:

It's so much easier if you stand up right after the alarm goes off.

Don't think about it.

Just do it.

GOOD MORNING! Let's crush this weekend!

Day 3.

Great thing about not starting this on Monday?

I have 3 days of momentum going in to tomorrow.

Day 4:

I figured out the secret.

Get out of bed immediately and walk around for a minute.

You'll wake up much faster.

Day 5:

Oreo seems to like me getting up earlier, since she gets breakfast earlier.

Day 6:

For accountability and transparency, I didn't get up at 6:00am this morning.

I was having sharp pains in my left kidney and side last night, and couldn't get to sleep. Around 1:00am, I decided to set my alarm back to 7:45am.

Back at the 6:00am habit tomorrow.

Day 7:

When starting a new habit, missing one day is okay.

Missing two in a row is not.

Good morning!

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