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Curate Bulawayo!

Sep 12, 2020, 12 tweets

Story time:
So one day a friend of mine wathutsha ngokuthi theres a nice guy that i want you to meet. I trusted my friend ngathi give him inumber kwenzakale 😎😎

Ubhudi was so well spoken and wise, kwakumnandi. Kodwa wayehlala ezvishavane so our only way of getting to know each other was through the phone, sasixoxa kuze kuphume ilanga πŸ“±β˜ΊοΈ

He told me him and his brother had inherited his father's mine , so they were into mining full time. Ubhudi lo wayele accent zhlobo zami , in my mind i thought umuntu waze wabamba inhlanzi yegold.

So after a long time siku talking stage he suggested i come visit him in zvishavane. I couldn't wait, ngahle nga creator istory sokuphuma endlini that weekend. Wathumeza lemali yetransport ubaba πŸ˜πŸ˜‹

When I got there wathutsha ngesinye iskorokoro esasivulwa ngescrew driver, kwangisolisa but he still had the accent ngathi maybe its his favorite car njengomuntu wemali zakhe

Sifike endlini Laphana hayi ngehlise iphika ngoba it looked represantable,apheke too ngahle ngathi romantic check βœ”οΈ. But yena wayengathi olukungagezi thize, ngazikhuza ngathi ngizamgeziza ubae wami.

Ahh we chill lapha and then i tell sengifuna ukuyalala, he runs me a bath 😍 kumnandi bakwethu. I get to the bedroom kuhle, ngazibona ngidliwa strong kuleyo bedroom

Sithi sesizalala, sizwe iknock.Ahambe ubaby, ngizwe kulobhudi osetshinga blind. Then this man bagdes into the room, athi kubaby mbani lo 😭. Ubaby kept quiet guys, the guy tells him to clear his mess. Honestly i was confused kwenzakalani

Few minutes ubaby tells me i should pack up we are going somewhere. At this point i had no chance to ask what was going on, he leads me to a back room in the same yard. Bazalwane i can't even describe this room ngomlomo😭 it was dirty, smelly, the blankets had never seen water.

I couldn't even sit cause there was no bed, just ingubo zendlalwe phansi. Dirty plates, kwakuyi head quarters yamawuwu. I then asked him kwenzakalani? Who was that guy and why were we now in this room. I kid you not his accent dissappeared πŸ˜‚

He started explaining ukuthi lwana ngu cousin wakhe and he was supposed to have traveled. I had so many questions at this point but it was clear kwakudlaliwe ngami. Kwakungelaza mine or accent or money nothing. Ngangizodliwa nje 😭

Ngalala ngihlezi, waiting for morning to come. By 5am i was on my way back home 😭😭. Moral of the story hlala ngini!! Stay away from obhudi bama accent akulalutho😭

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