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Still here … don’t know for how long

Sep 13, 2020, 23 tweets

Here’s Chartstravaganza … charts in extraordinary times


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Every Sunday, twenty charts, let’s go!

20. Trust in Covid Numbers


19. Deadliest Animals


18. Labor Restrictions and 2020 Growth


17. Work at Home Before Covid


16. Financials


15. Value vs Growth


14. Natural Disasters


13. Earnings and Yields in America


12. Corporate Margins in Japan


11. GDP


10. Education in America


9. CMBS Delinquencies


8. S&P Largest Companies


7. Prime Ministers in Japan


6. Phones in America


5. Utility-Scale Batteries


4. Population Density and Age in the UK


3. Global Meat Production


2. Loans in America


1. IPOs in America


That was another edition of Chartstravaganza.

Please recommend us to your friends: charts about the big, the small, and the amusing.

A good complement to your Sunday morning coffee … better than headlines and hot takes


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