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Sep 13, 2020, 9 tweets

Calling all cowboys and aliens:

CONCRETE COWBOY star @calebmclaughlin joins us tomorrow at 4:30pm EDT for a Twitter Q&A. Drop your questions below using #TIFF20.

@TIFF_NET Q: @TIFF_NET @calebmclaughlin what are some things you and idris did to build your father/son relationship on screen? #TIFF20
- @wheelclair


@TIFF_NET Q: @TIFF_NET @calebmclaughlin how has your experience on this film shaped you as a person? #TIFF20
- @thatIowlife


@TIFF_NET Q: @TIFF_NET @calebmclaughlin what’s something you had to adjust to filming a movie versus filming a tv show? or was i… twitter.com/i/web/status/1#TIFF20
- @lucasmclaughs


@TIFF_NET Q: @TIFF_NET @calebmclaughlin which actor/actress would you most like to work with? #TIFF20
- @cleriqc


@TIFF_NET Q: @TIFF_NET @calebmclaughlin how was it working with horses? did you have to learn to ride for the movie or did you already know? #TIFF20
- @milevenways


@TIFF_NET Q: @TIFF_NET @calebmclaughlin how did you prepare for intense, emotional scenes? #TIFF20
- @szaswylie


@TIFF_NET Q: @TIFF_NET @calebmclaughlin have you picked up any new hobbies during quarantine? #TIFF20
- @lucasmclaughs


Thanks so much for all the questions!

CONCRETE COWBOY is available to watch across Canada on Bell Digital Cinema tonight. #TIFF20 digital.tiff.net/film/concrete-…

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