Brad Simpson ( Profile picture
Historian, US foreign policy, self-determination, human rights, Indonesia, DIPG dad. #DefeatDIPG. Views on here do not reflect views of my employer.

Sep 13, 2020, 8 tweets

Trump campaign: Aaannnd here is Scott Baio!!
@benwikler and @WisDems: hold me beer. #PrincessBrideReunion

Trump: we will win this fall!

This is so awesome. #PrincessBrideReunion

Listening to Mandy Potemkin and Wallace Shawn is amazing. But Andre the Giant on mute is a drag. #PrincessBrideReunion

“Inconceivable!” Wallace Shawn still has it like it was yesterday. #PrincessBrideReunion

Mandy Patinkin is giving his lines with such love and joy. #PrincessBrideReunion

Cary Ewles: “I find (masks) them comfortable. Everyone will he wearing them someday.” #PrincessBrideReunion

The dialogue in the poison contest is among funniest in all of movie history. #PrincessBrideReunion

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