Royal Academy of Engineering Profile picture
We're harnessing the power of engineering to build a sustainable society and an inclusive economy that works for everyone.

Sep 14, 2020, 10 tweets

From polymers to medical devices, we're proud to recognise the leadership and innovation of engineers with our 2020 medals and awards:… #RAEngAwards

Professor Dame Julia Higgins is awarded our Sir Frank Whittle Medal for her sustained achievements in polymer materials - extremely relevant as our society tackles the issues of separating and recycling plastics:… #RAEngAwards

Sorin Popa, CEO of Pathfinder Medical, is awarded the Sir George Macfarlane Medal for demonstrating excellence early in his career - inventing a device to allow haemodialysis and even arterial bypasses to be performed without invasive surgery.… #RAEngAwards

Our Young Engineers of the Year, supported by
@WCoEngineers, have demonstrated early career excellence in civil engineering, sensing, superconductors and medical imaging:… #RAEngAwards

Bob Stuart, founder of MQA Ltd, is awarded our Prince Philip Medal for his exceptional contribution to audio engineering which has changed the way we listen to music and experience films:… #RAEngAwards

Our four Silver Medals are awarded to engineers who have made outstanding contributions to engine safety, graph learning, wearable devices, and motion capture - with their innovations making their way to market:… #RAEngAwards

This 2020 Colin Campbell Mitchell Award for advancing a field of engineering goes to the team from Reaction Engines, led by Dr Helen Webber, who successfully completed high-temperature tests of a precooler system for the SABRE engine project:… #RAEngAwards

Our Rooke Award, for public promotion of engineering, is presented to Susan Scurlock, CEO and founder of @primaryengineer. The organisation reaches some 1,700 schools, 90,000 pupils, 5000 teachers and 2000 engineers every year:… #RAEngAwards

The 2020 Major Project Award is presented to the team behind the Queensferry Crossing - a major infrastructure project that grew from inception to completion in just 10 years, while coming in 65% under its original budget:… #RAEngAwards

We're delighted to present Dervilla Mitchell with our President's Medal for her significant contributions to our work as an organisation - from awards and decarbonisation policy to diversity and inclusion:… #RAEngFellows #EngDiversity #RAEngAwards

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