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Sr. Writer on #WonderWomanGame - @MonolithDev |#Twitch Partner | Sponsored by @LogitechG |@RivalsWaterdeep| @MotherLandsRPG CD |@TakeThisOrg Board| She/Her

Sep 14, 2020, 20 tweets

🚨🚨Who's ready for an announcement!? 🚨🚨

I'm really excited to announce Into the Mother Land, a new Sci Fi RPG, funded by @Twitch, created by me & an amazing all Black & POC team of devs, cast & crew. Here's @BDaveWalters our lead developer with info!

Now that the cat is out of the bag, meet the crew that's putting this together with me and get the full info at that little ol' link below

There's a lot of cool folks, so it's gonna be a few tweets!

Check out everyone's info at:…

First up is... me! I'm the Creative Director & part of the streamed cast of our show. #ItMLRPG is a collaborative effort between myself, our development team, crew and cast! It's exciting to be able to build out a story from the ground up, & to work with such brilliant folks!

Next up is our Lead Developer, @BDaveWalters who many of you know from @LAbyNight #ADarkenedWish comic and AP streamed show & a lot more! He's leading development of worldbuilding, lore and adventure modules!

Next is the super talented, funny and wickedly smart @SharangBiswas who's writing some of our cultures and lore! He's also doing editing of our streamed adventure!

I'm so hype and glad that @GabeJamesGames is on the team! You know him both from his amazing cosplays but also the CMM tool for 5e, his newly announced work on Lost Omens and more! He's worldbuilding & working on our Core book.

I'm super excited that @ThatBronzeGirl is on the team! Y'all may know Jasmine from Relics and Rarities, also Vampire the Masquerade or her daily Twitch streams! She's writing our streamed adventure!

I'm happy to have another Rival in the group! Our fave Arakocra Monk @LaTiaJacquise is writing up another adventure to be offered up to folks who want to go play in our world!

Making our stream and characters look great, is the one and only @pleasantlytwstd You know her work from our overlays on @RivalsWaterdeep & on her own streams!

When you all can get your hands on the Core book of Motherlands RPG, the fantastic art of @blackoni will grace the cover. You've seen some of his work on Snoop Dogg and BigCheeseKit's channel emotes.

On the other side of the camera is @GlossandGadgets who's going to keep the stream running smooth and crisp when we launch! You know her work over at @GoldhartG

Here's our amazing cast that will bring our world to life every Sunday starting on October 4th at 4pm PT/5pm MT/6pm CT/7pm ET at

Our tale will be told by the wonderful @DMJazzyHands who you know from The Last Refuge, Dragon Age as Zallanas and his work for D&D 5e & other places. I can't wait to see where he takes us.

It's a dream come true to work with one of the best people I've got the honor to know and a dear friend @KrystinaArielle who you can see as Bob in @dimension20show's Pirates of Leviathan in a few days!

After running the streets of Dunwall together, getting to know and deeply respect the fam @DeejayKnight I'm giddy to say he's joined us on this venture! Enjoy his streams on Twitch for absolute joy & shenanigans.

Last but absolutely not least, we have the super talented @MichaelCrits rounding out the cast. He's DM'd over at Encounter Roleplay, and continues to do so over at Looking for More Network.

I'm so excited, and honestly more than a little emotional that I not only get to put together this world and bring it to you all, but to work with such amazing, talented folks in the RPG and streaming space. This game, this world and project is happening due to collaboration.

We even set up a twitter account for the project, @MotherlandsRPG where you can follow for updates, teases and more. If you want to reach out, and are press, or after we've premiered; drop a note to

To cap this lengthy announcement thread, a special thanks to @Twitch for funding this project. For believing in this vision, for giving an all Black & POC crew the resources to make this happen. Please congratulate everyone involved & see you in a few weeks!

AND ANOTHER THING!! I was remiss in noting that our adventures are powered by @cortextrpg

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