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Sep 14, 2020, 6 tweets

Last year, a company named Nectome, "advetised" a service for backing up & (eventually) digitizing people's brains which was going to be 100%-fatal. They retracted saying it wasn't correct they expected to revive a whole consciousness from the connectome

The actual computational requirements for running an uploaded human mind are very difficult to quantify & strongly depend on the chosen level of simulation model scale. In other words, if you want a very precise copy, you need a ginormous processing power

There is, however, a different approach to mind uploading that uses a completely different set of technologies: mind virtualisation, i.e. extracting a number of characteristics from a mind to develop a model that can be used to simulate future behaviour

In 2015, a digital imitation of circuitry in a sandgrain-sized chunk of rat brain was realized. The work modeled some 31,000 virtual brain cells connected by roughly 37 million synapses

In 2013, the European Union funded the Human Brain Project, led by Henry Markram, to the tune of $1.3 billion. Markram claimed that the project would create a simulation of the entire human brain on a supercomputer within a decade

You can find an interesting collection of articles looking at both technology aspects and to social ethical questions of mind uploading and mind virualization at

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