Renfamous⭐️ Profile picture
Cosplay, comics, short skirt, long jacket - she/her - PFP @obscureaaron - Questions/complaints:

Sep 15, 2020, 8 tweets

More Terrific LLC contract leaks (because I know you’re not sick of these yet)—creators who sign with @LlcTerrific can look forward to receiving 50% page rates until 90% of the US (and Canadian) population is vaccinated against COVID-19.

Good news though—@LlcTerrific will generously allow you continue doing commissions after signing onto one of their projects. After you get their permission, of course.

This is a courtesy, you see, as @LlcTerrific knows you dumb artists and your dumb artist brains can’t keep track of deadlines and need their help getting your work done on time. You’re welcome!

Did I mention that by signing on to an @LlcTerrific project, you’re agreeing to a one year EXCLUSIVE arrangement with them, plus a two year representation agreement?

Don’t want or need this mushbrained operation to promote you? Too bad!

“But Ren,” you say, “doesn’t this type of squirrel’s ass monopoly man libertarianism normally come with at least a small dose of racism? Isn’t it weird that it hasn’t gotten racist yet?”

Terrific LLC aims to meet even your lowest expectations. 💫


Terrific Production LLC
Andrew Rev

My reach is limited to English-speakers, if you’re bilingual and/or active in non-US art circles please translate & share this message in those spaces.

Additional info from an artist Terrific ripped off—apparently they’re having artists sign good contracts and then demanding to re-negotiate the terms after the work has been delivered.

Entirely illegal, of course, but Terrific is targeting non US-based artists hoping they won’t know enough about the US’s legal system to file a lawsuit from another country.

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