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I enjoy pie. I'm not here anymore. Where else to find me online:…

Sep 15, 2020, 7 tweets

GOOD MORNING HUMANS OF EARTH although I'm aware that thanks to the curvature of the Earth it might not be morning for some of you NEVERTHELESS I have information/commercial notices relating to books and events this week, followed of course by a cat picture. Ready? LET'S BEGIN.

ONE: Christopher Paolini's MASSIVE new novel To Sleep In a Sea of Stars is out, and I'm enjoying it! I will be talking with him about it TWICE this week:

For the UK, this Thursday:…

For the US, next Sunday:…

TWO: Real live astronaut @AstroTerry has written "How To Astronaut" -- just in case you ever wanted to know, and you probably did -- and I am ALSO speaking to him about this book and other cool stuff, this Wednesday:…

THREE: My pal @michaelianblack also has a book out today: "A Better Man: A (Mostly Serious) Letter to My Son." It's moving and contemplative and I'm glad he wrote it.

FOUR: I have a reprint story in the upcoming "Shaper of Worlds" anthology, which also features NEW fiction from @seananmcguire, @TanyaHuff and several others. It comes out next week, but you can pre-order because you like pre-ordering.…

FIVE: My new release "Murder By Other Means" is still #1 on the @audible_com "Top Audible Plus Listens" chart, which is great (thank you!) and speaking of top listens, remember "Murder" has a BADASS theme wrong, written and performed by @tedleo. DIG IT:

THUS CONCLUDES MY PROMOTION OF MYSELF AND OTHERS. I mean, I may point out other cool stuff people are doing later on, but for now, it's at an end. Gotta pace these things.

AND NOW, AS PROMISED, A CAT, looking contemplative af.

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