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Sep 15, 2020, 10 tweets

We helped @UN speak to civilians kidnapped and tortured by Turkish-controlled 'SNA' militias for their new report.

The UN accuse SNA of:

📌"Onslaught of violations" against civilians, "war crimes" of "hostage-taking, cruel treatment, torture, and rape."…

📌"Civilians 'primarily of Kurdish origin' beaten, tortured, denied food or water, and interrogated about their fath and ethnicity"

📌"Prevalent and recurrent" hostage-taking and torture for extortion and to punish dissenters

📌Women tortured in presence of Turkish officers

📌Mass rape, abduction, forced marriage, 'climate of fear'

📌Gang-rape of a minor as method of torture

📌30 women raped in Turkish-occupied Tel Abyad in one month

📌Mass detention of Kurdish and Yezidi women in unknown black sites

📌Yezidi women pressured to convert to Islam

📌"'Systematic' and 'coordinated' looting and property appropriation

📌"Coercing primarily-Kurdish residents to flee through threats, extortion, murder, abduction, torture, detention"

📌Desecration of graveyards & religious sites, threatening "precarious" Yezidi minority

The report also condemns poor security situation, "barrage of IEDs and shelling" in Turkish-held areas and child recruitment by SNA.

Turkey may be culpable for war crimes witnessed and co-ordinated by its forces including "looting, torture... unlawful deportation," @UN conclude.

@UN also criticizes SDF for:

📌Poor conditions & lack of legal recourse for ISIS-linked individuals, especially in Hol Camp

📌8 instances of unlawful detention, including 4 conducted alongside US security services

📌2 instances of torture

1500 locals have left Hol in an ongoing release program, while international states must repatriate their own citizens, UN find.

SDF are also criticized for 8 instances of child recruitment, though UN praises SDF removal of 69 children from its ranks:

"If it was up to me I would kill every Kurd from 1 to 80..."

Our summary of the damning new @UN report, accusing Turkish-backed forces of torture, rape, mass ethnic displacement of Kurds and other war crimes:…

We've been speaking to world press to provide further info and analysis on the UN's findings of mass atrocities committed by Turkish-controlled forces, as well as connecting them with Kurdish civilians forcibly displaced by Turkey.

here on @franceinter:…

SDF's @MazloumAbdi on new UN inquiry:

📌Catalog of atrocities by Turkey-backed militas "a fraction" of true total

📌SDF investigating small no. of incidents involving their forces

📌"Unjustified disregard" for fact Hol Camp crisis is international responsibility, not SDF alone

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