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Sep 15, 2020, 13 tweets

The chapter on Violence is one of the reasons this episode of an #Australian TV show was banned. In 2019. Banned.

“How long must we wait for men and boys to stop murdering us, to stop beating us and to stop raping us? How many rapists must we kill?"

How many rapists must we kill before men stop raping women?

And why is the first half of that question more disturbing than the second half? Why is hypothetical violence against men more disturbing than actual daily violence against women?

So! Sign up and this Friday read from the chapter that so upset Australians that one of their TV networks pulled an episode of a show. In fucking 2019, for fucks sake…

And when I ask “How many rapists must we kill before men stop raping women?” I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT THE DEATH PENALTY.

Fuck the State and its monopoly on violence.

I am talking about our power and the power we have to fight patriarchy.

After I beat up a man who groped me in a club, a manager pointed at @rerutled & asked me “Why didn’t you let your husband take care of it?”

Me: “He’s not my husband. This is my body. I take care of it.”

I don’t want to be protected. I want to be free.

I don’t want to be protected. I want patriarchy to stop protecting men who are violent towards women.

Patriarchy protects men who are violent towards women.

Patriarchy allows only men to “protect” women from other men.

Patriarchy punishes women who protect themselves.

Patriarchy allows only men to both hurt and protect women because patriarchy socializes men in the belief that they own our bodies, are entitled to them.

I own my body.

In The Seven Necessary Sins For Women and Girls, I write about beating up the man who sexually assaulted me

I wanted that man who assaulted me to remember that this average height woman, whose ass be believed he could just reach out and grope without fear of retaliation, beat the fuck out of him. And I started #IBeatMyAssaulter

- not everyone can call the police.

- not everyone wants to call the police.

- the police do not protect everyone: ask Indigenous women, Black women, women of colour, marginalized women, sex workers, etc

- I do not want to be protected. I want to be free of violence

In this interview, I tell @laignee that I started #MosqueMeToo to talk about being sexually assaulted at Hajj when I was 15, and why I started #IBeatMyAssaulter after I beat up a man who sexually assaulted me at a club when I was 50…

I don’t want to be protected. I want patriarchy to stop protecting men who are violent towards women.

Patriarchy protects men who are violent towards women.

Patriarchy allows only men to “protect” women from other men.

Patriarchy punishes women who protect themselves.

Watch and sign up to stay up to date with global feminist resistance to patriarchal fuckery AND read an excerpt from my chapter on the “sin” of Violence 👉🏽👉🏽…

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