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Instagram: hyatt_craig

Sep 16, 2020, 6 tweets

First Timing Segment- Hand break to release. Hitters will determine how much time they need to use in this segment. It's free time. Some use it all, some just use some it. Using all/or most of it can create an advantage in tempo/control/vision/balance. You only have so much time.

When we start and how we move, up to the time of release, may determine what we can see at release. Some hitters have the ability to pick up the slightest change in the arm/hand/grip. Moving with the intent to see at release changes how we move.

Segment 2-Early recognition. Some pitches will stand out here and we can decipher and/or discard right away. KC/CU might jump up, the direction might be off, see the spin, etc. Early ball shut down recognition or this pitch might be in your zone and you need to continue to read.

Segment 3-Read/beginning of decision making. Pitchers are digging into our time by tunneling pitches at a longer distance to the plate. Balance/vision becomes vital to differentiate these pitches. Extra moves/late hinder the brain's ability to let respond accordingly.

Segment 4-Late recognition to launch. Shutting down the swing late on continuous spin out of the zone is huge. So is the ability to attack pitches we like.

Segment 5- time to contact. Depending on the velo you're facing and the hitter's ability to get their swing off, there is that spot where you need to be on time to contact. I suggest filming from the side and see where that spot is for your hitters and what position they are in.

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