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Kenya Association of Manufacturers is the representative organization for manufacturing value-add industries in Kenya

Sep 16, 2020, 6 tweets

We have a great advantage as a nation of young, vibrant & highly creative youth. They account for about 75% of Kenya’s population, according to the World Bank.


Engaging young people enriches institutions & processes.
For this reason, KAM has today signed an MoU with @SDY_Ke to empower the youth through skills & entrepreneurship development.


.@SDY_Ke PS @Jkorir_Youth - This partnership is a key step towards implementing the Kenya Youth Development Policy 2019, that seeks to mainstream issues affecting the youth.


. @SDY_Ke PS @Jkorir_Youth - We shall work together to create employment opportunities & create a conducive business environment for the youth, in order to attract investment in the country and accelerate economic growth.


KAM CEO, @PhyllisWakiaga - Our vision is to see young people access quality skills, decent work and entrepreneurship opportunities because they are and will always be strategic players in the achievement of our development goals.


KAM CEO, @PhyllisWakiaga - We must, therefore, empower young people to be part and parcel of our goals as we look to ensure the sustainability of industry in the country.


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