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Sep 16, 2020, 8 tweets

Low Traffic Neighbourhoods. LTNs.

It seems like everyone is talking about them. But do they actually *work?*

Here's a THREAD:

Ask a cyclist and you're likely to get one answer. Ask a black cab driver and you're likely to get another.

So we did neither. Instead, we looked to science

Enter @RachelAldred -- academic, transport specialist and all round badass woman.

Luckily for us, she's looked at this exact question and used science to find an answer.

@RachelAldred Dr Aldred looked at the outer London boroughs who had Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and compared them with those that didn't.

Here's what she found...

@RachelAldred First up -- people who live in low traffic neighbourhoods are less likely to own a car -- with up to a 20% decrease in car ownership.

There was no evidence of a decrease in car ownership in areas without an LTN.

@RachelAldred But it wasn't just car ownership that was going down -- time spent in a car was decreasing too.

Heard opponents claim car journeys become longer in LTNs? Well, the science doesn't agree with them.

@RachelAldred So if they're not driving, what are they doing?

The study shows they're walking, they're cycling, they're replacing car use with active travel

@RachelAldred So LTNs -- do they work?

Science says yes.

Want to read the work for yourself? (🤓)

Here you go:…

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