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I’m just a corpse with an opinion.

Sep 16, 2020, 24 tweets

Neues Schloss, Stuttgart, Württemberg ⚫️🔴

Unteroffizier Württemberg Pioneer Battalion No.13

Württemberg army, Franco-Prussian War

Württemberg army high command, WW1 (L-R, T-B)
Duke Wilhelm von Urach, Count of Württemberg, Gen. Friedrich von Gerok, Gen. Hermann von Staabs, King Wilhelm II, Gen. Theodor Freiherr von Watter, GFM Duke Albrecht of Württemberg and QM Gen. Wilhelm Gröner. ⚫️🔴

Duke Albrecht of Württemberg, commander of the German 4th Army and later “Army Group Albrecht” which consisted of the 19th Army and three detached armies.

Duke Albrecht of Württemberg, oddly enough, did not command the Königlich Württembergisches Armee-Korps for most of the war. It was not until September of 1918 that XIII Corps came under Albrecht’s jurisdiction as part of detached army “C”. ⚫️🔴

Württemberg Ski Company 2nd Lieutenant and Württemberg Mountain Battalion 2nd Lieutenant, 1917 🇩🇪⛷🏔

More Württemberg ski troops 🔴⚫️ 🗻 🎿

Duke Wilhelm von Urach, Count of Württemberg and General of Cavalry in the Württemberger army and who was briefly King of Lithuania 🇱🇹 toward the end of the war, was related to the Grimaldis as his father had married Princess Florestine of Monaco 🇲🇨.

One of the best units in the whole Imperial German Army was the Württemberg Mountain Battalion (Königlich Württembergisches Gebirgsbataillon) which carried a bunch of Bavarian battalions in the elite Alpenkorps on the Italian front.

Major Theodor Sproesser was the commander of the Württemberg Mountain Battalion ⚫️🔴

The elite Württemberg Mountain Corps ⚫️🔴

Throughout most (not all) of WW1 the commander of the Württemberg Korps was Baron Theodor von Watter. ⚫️🔴

Württemberg Mountain Battalion 🗻⚫️🔴

King Wilhelm II of Württemberg, 1915

General of the infantry Friedrich von Gerok, came up in the Württemberg army, he led the XXIV Reserve Corps in many of the major engagements of WW1, serving on the western and eastern fronts.

Soldier of the elite Württemberg Mountain Battalion

Freiherr Theodor von Watter, commander of the Württemberg Army/XIII. Armeekorps and General of Infantry Paul von Schäfer, deputy commander of XIII. Armeekorps.

Königlich Württembergisches Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 246

Brass band of the 10. Württembergisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 180

A young officer of the Württemberg Mountain Battalion in WW1 who you may have heard of ...Erwin Rommel.
He was kind of a big deal later on...

Württemberg field cap and spiked helmet


The kings of Württemberg; Friedrich I, Wilhelm I, Karl & Wilhelm II

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