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staff writer @TheAtlantic | author "American Carnage" | new book December 5th: "The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory" https://t.co/ZfQHKQVqeo

Sep 17, 2020, 6 tweets

NEW 📨 Letter to Washington

Dominating the rich white vote is Trump’s only chance to hold down losing margins in metro areas—which, in turn, is his only chance of securing a second term.

Which brings me to **crucial** Ozaukee County (sorry, @daveweigel)


“I voted for Trump last time, but I cried. Literally—I cried while voting," said Quiana Verbeten, 31, a hair stylist.


"I actually feel better about him now.”

Her husband, Peter: "It's funny... I feel much worse about him now. But I’ll probably vote for him again."

Jeff & Linda Moses are lifelong Republicans.

He's stuck. Can't vote for Biden, doesn't want to vote for Trump.

She's voting Biden. "People are afraid of this white supremacist movement gaining stream—and how Trump seems to be a part of it.”

(will post separate thread on Linda)

Dave Breidenbach, anti-abortion activist & longtime Cedarburg resident:

"You can’t understand if you aren’t from here—we have never seen Democrat yard signs before. Now, they’re all over the place—along with the Black Lives Matter signs, the rainbow flags. They’re everywhere.”

Jim Albrinck, 77, lifelong Republican: "Every time there’s a Kenosha, people think, ‘You know, maybe Trump is right, maybe Biden is too weak to stand up to these people.’”

Does he think that? "Of course not. It’s detached from reality."

Will vote Dem this fall for 1st time ever

Tricia: "I worry constantly about my kids being safe, because people are so angry and so upset... We came up here because we thought it was a safe community, but I don’t feel safe anywhere anymore.”

Her friend, Sharon, head cocked sideways: “Really? You don’t feel safe HERE?”

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