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Sep 17, 2020, 10 tweets

Nigeriaat60 | All you need to know about the recently unveiled Logo for Nigeria's Sixtieth Anniversary, a thread:

The logo depicts Nigeria's togetherness, a country of over 200 million people whose natural talent, grit and passion glitter like the precious DIAMOND we are. The imagery of the diamond is a celebration of the resilience the Nigerian people are known for.

Diamond is from the Greek word, "Adamas" which means invincible or unconquerable and enduring. These are the dominant traits of the Nigerian Spirit.

It is said that diamonds are formed under pressures, the diamond is a metaphor for how the Nigerian Spirit comes forth brilliantly under pressure, a special appreciation to Nigeria most precious asset - Its people.

The logo portrays how colourful Nigerians are, always sparkling like a Diamond in the park, everywhere they go, whether in Academia, Business, Innovation, Music, Movie, Entertainment, Fashion and culture.

The figure zero in the '60' is composed of millions of constituent crystals depicting millions of Nigerians whose collective strength, creativity and resilience, TOGETHER crystallized into a giant sparkling diamond, the Nigerian Nation.

The sparkling Diamond shows:

~ the age of TREASURE we have reached, TOGETHER;
~ the worth of our people and our land, TOGETHER;
~ and how we sparkle TOGETHER, to the admiration of the world.

Generally in branding, GREEN represents wealth, stability, renewal, new beginning and nature. Dark greens are usually used to depict wealth.

The PEAR GREEN color depicts our warm and welcoming spirit; as well as The LOVE that has kept us TOGETHER as a NATION. Even in the face of COVID-19 pandemic, Nigerians have shown care for one another.

The DARK GREEN color is the abundant wealth inherent in our human capital and the richness of our land which TOGETHER make us the MOST PROSPEROUS BLACK NATION in the world and Africa's largest market.

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