Aditya A Joshi Profile picture
AHFTx Cardiologist at @URMed_AHF. Son, Husband to @AvanteeG, Dad, Physician. @FCBarcelona. Opinions own.

Sep 17, 2020, 10 tweets

Next talk by @iamritu !

You can organize and have less clutter. How do you do it on twitter?

Step wise approach:

1. Unfollow unnecessary accounts

2. Organize

3. Delete unnecessary tweets

Unfollow accounts if they have been dormant!
Multiple apps:
- UnTweep Website
- Followers Analyzer App
- Unfollow for Twitter app

Remember this may include many people you would still wanna follow even if they are dormant as you may have personal relationships!

Unfollow if it does not spark joy or does not feel important to you!

Next step: Create a list!
Go to these profiles and add to your follows. Example of a list from @iamritu showing her own lists!

Then add other members to your lists or share it with them and you can enjoy in your group!

#carrotsquad @MyASNC #ASNC2020

Delete your own tweets from past if you think they were off topic. Can use advanced search option to find these if you want to search within a particular topic.

If you disagree with anything, you can always DM, not always necessary to reply with angry responses!

Also can organize using bookmarks. Pocket app: Only $5 per month and it helps you organize bookmarks.
You can go back and find the bookmarks with different tweets that you saved

That's @iamritu talk!

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