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Sep 18, 2020, 7 tweets

Introducing #ThePandemmys: Celebrating the most *breathtaking* achievements of this pandemic season.🏆

Your votes will determine the wrongest Trump prediction, the most bogus cure, the biggest anti-mask freakout, and more!

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Which Karen had the best anti-mask meltdown? Here are the nominees for Best Karen. #ThePandemmys

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Hydroxychloroquine, Disinfectant, Not Testing, April, The Flu Vaccine. Only one can win Best Cure. #ThePandemmys

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Best Costume Design -- Tough choice between Dr. Birx's scarves and Congressional Democrats in Kente Cloth. #ThePandemmys

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Italians vs. Italians. Here are the nominees for Best Foreign Film. #ThePandemmys

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#ThePandemmys extends a very special honor to Donald Trump for Outstanding Achievement in Self-Editing. 

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Trump and Fox News make bulls**t an art form. Here are the nominees for Best Bulls**t. #ThePandemmys

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