Tristan Rutland MBBS FRCPA IFCAP Profile picture
Pathologist & educator. @RCPA Outstanding Teaching Award 2020 & @Pathologists CAP resident advocate award 2022. Associate social media editor @Pathology_RCPA.

Sep 18, 2020, 15 tweets

Further Hx for @Meghna0630

PMHx: skin cancer, DM type2, BPH

Presents with SBO. Nodule in stomach and small bowel (below).

CK20 (both sites)



TTF-1 from SB nodule


Final bits of Hx

GOJ mass--> large, extends in oesophagus.
No lung masses on imaging.

I have made this a bit of Hx difficult to directly access, to simulate finding Hx IRL...


Gastric neuroendocrine (small cell) carcinoma with metastasis to small bowel.

1/ Neuroendocrine carcinomas of the stomach are rare and only account for 1% of all gastric carcinomas.

2/ They are horrible and aggressive cancers than have a prognosis.

3/ TTF-1 can be expressed in gastric (and many other) small cell carcinomas and is not a reliable marker for lung mets.

4/ Recent studies show these tumours show different mutations compared with conventional gastric adenocarcinomas, including CPLX2 aka Complexin 2 (?future biomarker).

5/ Lastly, Merkel cell polyomavirus has been detected in this case report below (not this case) of small cell carcinoma, so primary gastric Merkel cell carcinoma anyone?

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