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Sep 18, 2020, 9 tweets

Update 18 September

1.974 new cases (total: 90.047)
7 new fatalities (total: 6.273)
12 new hospitalisations (total: 12.356)
(differences w.r.t. yesterday)

The maps show the cases, hospitalisations and fatalities for the last 3 & 7 days.

#coronakaart #COVID19NL

The daily reported number of cases & hospitalisations of COVID-19 in the last two weeks.

New cases are measured as the difference in cumulative figures w.r.t. yesterday.



Absolute new number of reported cases, fatalities and hospitalisations per Dutch province. Cumulative numbers per province are in parentheses.

#coronakaart #COVID19NL

8 municipalities report at least one new hospitalisation due to COVID-19, compared to yesterday.

12 new hospitalisations are located and 0 hospitalisations are removed.

The biggest increase is in Rotterdam (+4) and Amsterdam (+2).

#coronakaart #COVID19NL

260 municipalities report at least one new case of COVID-19, compared to yesterday.

1960 new cases are located and 0 cases are removed.

The biggest increase is in Amsterdam (+362), Rotterdam (+187) and 's-Gravenhage (+124).

#coronakaart #COVID19NL

6 municipalities report at least one new fatality due to COVID-19, compared to yesterday.

7 new fatalities are located and 0 fatalities are removed.

The biggest increase is in Dordrecht (+2).

#coronakaart #COVID19NL

The municipalities with the highest number of new cases, compared to yesterday and last week. Reported as new cases per 100,000 inhabitants.


The largest increase in cases per 100.000, compared to yesterday, is in Alblasserdam (+49.59).

Note that an increase of 50 per 100.000 compared to last week is considered as a warning signal in Germany.

(Graphs for other municipalities available on request)


New reported COVID-19 cases per Dutch province over time. The graph shows the absolute number of newly reported cases, as provided in the database of the RIVM.

(As of today, I report cases per 100,000 inhabitants & added the Dutch signal value of 7/100,000/day)


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