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Sep 18, 2020, 10 tweets

Join us on Reddit: Glaciologist @Michalea_King and @Reuters reporter @CassLGarrison answer your questions on climate change here:

Question 1: Is it possible to restore glaciers?

@Michalea_King gives details here:

Question 2: Why and how are large outlet glaciers in Greenland changing?

Full answer from @Michalea_King here:

Question 3: How does location affect the rate of the melting?

Full answer from @Michalea_King here:

Question 4: Is there anything unexpected about glaciers that you’ve found in the course of your work?

@CassLGarrison shares something she learned as a journalist covering climate change:

Question 5: When did we first notice that there's some unusual change going on and when should we have known that it's time to act? 

Full answer from @Michalea_King here:

Question 6: What are the similarities and differences in glaciers from different areas?

@Michalea_King further explains that because mountainous glaciers don’t have contact with the ocean, they’re shrinking due to changes in air temperature

Question 7: How do you respond to people who don't believe in global warming or climate change?

Many times it’s not that someone doesn’t believe in science, they just have yet to appreciate how it's impacting them personally, says @Michalea_King

Question 8: Have we reached the point of no return?

@Michalea_King’s answer:

Thanks for tuning into our @Reddit AMA with @Michalea_King and @CassLGarrison. See the full Q&A here 👉

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