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Sep 18, 2020, 54 tweets

Donald Trump either doesn't know that ISIS is still "on the rampage" or he knows it perfectly well, but doesn't care. Which is worse?

If you plan to vote for Trump because you don't want ISIS "on the rampage," may I draw your attention to the following?

So ask yourself--does Donald Trump know this?
Or doesn't he?
Then ask yourself--which is worse?

Seriously, would you really rather have a president who tells you Covid and ISIS are just hoaxes, and that he's "done a great job" with both, when neither are hoaxes at all and he's done a terrible job with both, endangering hundreds of thousands of lives?

Or would you prefer a president who doesn't lie to you about immensely serious risks to your safety and that of your family?

It seems pretty easy to me, so what is it I'm not getting, here?

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